Thursday, October 29, 2015


Since it's almost All Soul's day in the Philippines I am thinking of posting something interesting to those people who don't know ghost and monster that "so-called" exist here in the Philippines.We don't have a Halloween celebration or a trick or treat for kids here in the Philippines. Most people here especially in urban areas are not going out late at night except o course in rural areas. I will be listing down some monsters and ghost that was said saw by few people but of course no pictures that can prove that it exist (who the hell will take a picture if you saw something creepy right? LOL)



This is the most common of all Pinoy monsters. They are shape-shifters they can transform into any animal like dog, cat, bat, pig and a lot more. They usually attack at night hunting for human blood and rumored to get hearts of their victims too. Aged people will say that aswangs don't attack within the vicinity of the town they lived in and usually attack other towns. They are said to steal corpses too and eat human fetus from a mother's womb. (It’s a different story from the one in Grimm wherein the Aswang only get the fluid).


This creature is quite similar to aswangs which hunts pregnant women and eat human fetus and sucks blood and eat human heart. They are called "tik-tik" because of their ticking sound which is a defense mechanism they use for hunting it's prey. To confuse its victims, the tik-tik sound becomes fainter as she nears. The lower portion of her body flourishes to the ground while the upper part isolates as she flies looking for food. It has long snake-ish tongue.  To execute a manananggal, one must locate the lower body and spread salt or powder on the open injury. That keeps the two parts from joining and changing back to human structure when sunshine breaks.


These are huge hairy with red eyes creature in human form that smokes a cigar that never burns out. They are usually found sitting on a branch of a tree mostly in a "Balete tree" or any other big trees in a solemn area. They appear during nightfall scaring children who are outside their home late at night. (This is one of the monsters that our parents used to scare us if we will escape at night to play) This monster simply enjoys scaring people they don't eat flesh. They say Kapre's are friendly but of course because of the appearance they scare people away. According to elderly people they are said to have a white stone and whoever finds it Kapre will grant your wish.


This is a flesh eating monster in a form of a baby. They are usually located in the woods and usually lures people with a baby crying sound. (i remember some of my friends looking for a spider in the woods for a spider fight when suddenly they hear a baby crying and far from them 4 red circle eyes that looks like eyes and something or someone is looking at them. So they ran and got some scratches. ) Some what similar to the TIK-TICK to where the louder the crying sound means they are far from you the lower the crying sound the nearest she gets. And when you found this baby they transform into a monster with huge sharp teeth and eat you. After eating flesh they transform back to their baby form and wait for another victim. We do have some Filipino Movies available for this and got some stories like it was born with a curse. but then again there is no proof that this creature exist.


This looks like a chimera with a human body and a head, hooves and tail of a horse. They also have 3
strands of strange hair found in its mane once you pluck one of it you'll be able to tame the Tikbalang and the creature will be your slave. It has been said by elderly that Tikbalangs are harmless and just enjoy perplexing people in the woods (hikers, children who plays in the woods, or someone who is just getting woods, and travellers). If you notice that you going to the same place all over again and making your desire to happen even if it doesn't exist, you need to have turn own  shirt inside out to stop it from happening and for the Tikbalang to stop playing tricks on you.


This is a type of ghost which is common in old houses, ruins and sometimes in a specific place. They are said to be a spirit of the person who once lived and can't find peace or has unfinished business in the living world. There are many people who sees white ladies because this type of ghost will not only show to a specific person but to anyone she wants to be seen especially with those people who said to have a third eye. It has been said as well sometimes when you passed by a specific place where the white lady stay they will go inside the car or hail on your car (which I think is creepy). There are sightings that some white ladies are faceless and some are covered in blood some of them are headless and floats in the air. I am not sure if this is said to be eating or killing some people but nonetheless since these ghost only relay message to complete their unfinished business in this world.

Rumoured picture of a SIGBIN in Mindanao


This is one of the articles I have listed on my previous post. So this is a kangaroo like beast with sharp teeth and walks with their head hangs between its forelegs. This is somewhat related to chupacabra to which is a coyote- like form. They have a long tail and discharges disgusting odor. They hunt children to eat and get their hearts as an amulet. This creature is mostly common in Visayas and Mindanao an no photographic evidence that this really exist.

For more questions about this creature you may read the other post. :)

PARING PUGOT (Headless Priest)

This is the sleepy hollow type it’s just that this is a priest that wears old brown sotana (cassock, or soutane) and carrying his own head. I’ve heard this story I was new here in Baguio City they say that in Diplomat hotel there is a headless priest haunting the place. Diplomat hotel was an old convent then became a hotel and now it’s a ruins an old big building. Many people go there for ghost hunting aside from headless priest they say there are a lot of ghost in that place. The ghost in that place probably had some unfinished business since they don’t hurt anyone. My dads also tell stories about the headless priest way back in our province in Mindanao he said that it lives in the woods. There are no photographic evidence just witnesses who ran away when they saw the headless priest.


These are small creature who is also called as nuno who lived mostly in a "Nuno sa punso" or a "old man of the mound". There are 2 types of Duwende basing on what they elderly said to me. We have a good uwende which usually lives are your house if you have a punso near your house they tend to live inside of your house as well and bring good luck. We also have the bad once which don't bring bad luck but they enjoy play pranks to people and are so mean like punished you to have swollen testicles, big acne all over your body and a lot more. They also take revenge if for example if you destroyed their home (nuno sa punso). So if you will pee into something like a try a nuno sa punso or plants make sure to say "Tabi tabi po" aloud so that they can avoid you. I also experience this creature it was just me and my brother that time I was in high school and my brother is in grade school we live in this small 3BR house and there i a nuno sa punso at the back of the house So one night when me and my brother was about to sleep there was a dropping sounds of the kitchen utensils, spoons and forks and breaking of plates it was so loud that I feel that someone break in to our house or cats playing on our kitchen. Since I was so scared to go out alone in the kitchen i ask my brother to go out with my and we are really surprise that nothing was dropped on the floor like NOTHING! So next morning I told my aunt about the experience since they are our only neighbor just in front of our house and told me that there is a duwende living in the house that we are currently living in but these duwendes (meaning to say that there are a lot of them) bring fortune to my aunt who owns it. She told me that my uncle who lived there before us experience the same thing and saw nothing was dropped on the floor and my aunt told me that these duwendes were just playing around the house. My aunt also told me that the midwife who assisted my other aunt who's pregnant that time has a 3rd and when my other aunt was about to gave birth in the living room she saw all 12 of them looking at my aunt. (Creepy right? I was actually having creeps in writing these stories)

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